General director received the representative of Perkins Eastman firm (US)

On July 16, 2015, Mr. Ngo Trung Hai – General Director of Vietnam Institute on Urban and Rural Planning (VIUP) received Mr Chao Ming Wu - the representative of Perkins Eastman firm.

At the metting, Mr. Ngo Trung Hai introduced some projects which have been done by VIUP in cooperation with the foreign parners as well as planning and architectural awards gained by VIUP in last time.

Mr. Chao Ming Wu also expressed his thanks for warm welcome and presented new projects in the world.

Two sides discussed some issues concerning the consulting market in Vietnam in the field of planning and architecture, the way of cooperation in future projects…

Perkins Eastman is an international planning, design and consulting firm that was founded in 1981. Today, the firm has nine offices across the US and five overseas. The firm has a professional staff of almost 900 made up of architects, interior designers, planners, urban designer, landscape architects, graphic designers… The firm has completed projects in 46 states and more than 40 countries.

In the past time, Perkins Eastman participated in the international consulting group PPJ including Perkins Eastman (US), Posco E&C and Jina (Republic of Korea) for Hanoi Capital Construction Master Plan to 2030 and Vision to 2050 (The plan was approved by the Prime Minister in 2011) and cooperated with VIUP in the role of a domestic consutant.

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